ESCAP Community
Aims and goals
ESCAP on Social Media
ESCAP on air Podcast
Academic Division
Clinical division
Policy division
ESCAP Ukraine Webinars
Resource centre - Disorders
Trauma and recovery after natural disasters
War on children - resources for Ukraine war
Refugee crisis in Europe
Guidance papers
Methodology & treatment techniques
Research Academy
Research Academy 2025 Strasbourg
Past Research Academies
Residential courses
ESCAP 2025 Congress in Strasbourg
Congress 2031
Past congresses
International event calendar
ECAP Journal
Current issue
Past issues
ESCAP Communications
EU horizon FAMILY project
ESCAP Community
Governing board
Dimitris Anagnostopoulos
Eniko Kiss
Konstantinos Kotsis
Joerg Fegert
Anne Marie Raberg Christensen
Stephan Eliez
Pieter J. Hoekstra
Manon Hillegers
Andrea Danese
Carmen Schröder
Paul Klauser
Maja Drobnič Radobuljac
Research Academy Committee
Alexis Revet
Paul Klauser
Communications Editor
Early Career Psychiatrists
Aims and goals
Belgium (Flemish)
Belgium (French)
Bosnia & Herzegovina
Czech Republic
12th Panhellenic Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Congress 5-7 November, Virtual meeting
The Netherlands
ESCAP board in Belgrade 2018
DEAPS 2016
Mini Research Academy
United Kingdom
North Macedonia
ESCAP on Social Media
ESCAP on air Podcast
Stress & Trauma Across the Lifespan
Academic Division
Clinical division
Transition issues in psychiatric care of deaf adolescents
ESCAP Guidance papers
Policy division
Improving local communities - Joaquin Fuentes
Brendan Doody: No strength without unity
Füsun Çuhadaroglu: Policy programming
ESCAP reaching out to the European Commission for action for CAP
William W. Patton: Public policy
War hits children first
War hits children first (french)
ESCAP special Webinar
War on Children: resources
McKinsey Health Institute Study 2022
ESCAP Statement on the impact of war
Patient and Public Involvement
EU Mental Health
Mental health in All Policies approach
Loneliness Study
Youth Peer Support Workers
Integrated Child Protection Systems in the EU
Statement ESCAP Board
Humanitarian Crisis
EU Parliament resolution
COVID unequal impact
Ukrainian-German Conference
UNICEF Report 2024
EU Parliament Elections 2024
The Lancet Psychiatry Commission on youth mental health
WHO Mental Health Week 2024
WHO Autumn School 2024
Autism spectrum disorder
ESCAP Ukraine Webinars
Resource centre - Disorders
Non-pharma interventions for ADHD
ADHD and autism: interview with Jan Buitelaar
ADHD and neuroimaging: interview with Katya Rubia
Behavioural indicators as predictors of ASD, ADHD & conduct disorder
Trauma and child maltreatment
Abuse or neglect: Talk to the children
Unicef report on violence against children (2017)
ODD and CD in children and adolescents
Research on depression & conduct disorder development - Ian Goodyer
Anorexia nervosa: more agreeable treatment, more effective and less expensive
Bariatric surgery in severe adolescent obesity
Behavioural weight-loss treatment in children and adolescents
Paediatric aggression in 6-12 year olds: ACTION
Undermining of old ideas on personality disorder
Challenging the male stereotype in suicidal boys
22q11 deletion syndrome: education and employment trajectories
Intervention & prevention of cannabis use in adolescents
Psychiatric & cognitive effects of synthetic cannabinoids in adolescence
Early ASD treatment
OCD: under-detected, -diagnosed, -treated
Early detection and treatment of selective mutism
Care of traumatized children in youth welfare systems
Repairing shattered lives
Sleep disorders: mood and sleep diary app
Disaster child psychiatry
A life with ADHD
Trauma and recovery after natural disasters
War on children - resources for Ukraine war
COVID-19: Policy Position Statement
Next Generation Europe - a recovery plan
COVID-19: Presidential statement
COVID-19: Resources in various languages
COVID-19: Scientific publications
COVID-19 Resource List
COVID-19 & mental health: collaboration is key
CovCAP survey: impact of COVID-19 child & adolescent psychiatric services
CovCAP survey: more information
CovCAP survey: organisers & contributors
CovCAP survey: Consortium
Refugee crisis in Europe
Refugee children: ESCAP's pragmatic approach
Refugee children: background information
ECAP articles on child and adolescent refugees
Unaccompanied refugee minors
ESCAP position statement: refugees
What mental health professionals need to know
Guidance for refugee children and their families
EU asylum in 2015
Lessons from Kosovo
ECAP focused issue on mental health problems in refugees
ECAP April 2018: focused issue
Guidance papers
Methodology & treatment techniques
Computerized learning for children with developmental delay
Psychotherapy: core business for psychiatrists
Transition to adulthood in a frightening world, the nursing angle
Evidence-based practices in children's mental health
Uniform guidelines for diagnostics and treatment
Research Academy
Research Academy 2025 Strasbourg
Past Research Academies
Research Academy 2019 Vienna
Vienna photos
Research Academy 2017 Geneva
Research Academy 2015 Madrid
Workshop report
Abstracts and presentations
EFPT forum 2015
Virtual Research Academy 2020
Research Academy 2022 Maastricht
Research Academy 2023 Copenhagen
Residential courses
1st residential course
3rd Residential Course
4th Residential Course
ESCAP 2025 Congress in Strasbourg
Strasbourg speakers
Copenhagen 2023
Travel grants
Copenhagen speakers
Ruth Feldman interview
Eva Serlachius interview
Tamsin Ford interview
Carmen Schröder interview
Judith Rosmalen
Poster Winners 2023
Organizing Committee
Documenting Copenhagen
Expert Day 2021
Samuele Cortese - Biography
Argyris Stringaris - Biography
Vera Clemens - Biography
David Nutt - Biography
Carmen Schroder - Biography
Carmen Schroder - interview
Samuele Cortese - interview
Program - Expert Day 25th June
Fees and training credits - ESCAP Expert Day
Expert Day On-Demand Function
Vera Clemens interview
Argyris Stringaris - Interview
ESCAP Online Events 2021 Summary report
ESCAP, UEMS-CAP, EFPT Training day
ESCAP Training Day session
UEMS-CAP Training Day session
EFPT Training Day session
ESCAP General Assembly: 25th June 2021
Congress 2031
ESCAP General Assembly: 30 June 2023 Copenhagen
Past congresses
Varna 1987
Utrecht 1995
Hamburg 1999
Paris 2003
Florence 2007
Budapest, 2009
Past and future (Sir Michael Rutter)
Gene-environment interactions in ADHD
Therapeutic innovation
Quality of life
Autism spectrum disorder and genetics (2009)
Autism and schizophrenia
Importance of epidemiology
Tourette syndrome: relentless drumbeat
Affect regulation, mood repair, depression
Weight issues in anorexia nervosa
Helsinki 2011
Dublin 2013
Dublin 2013 Ruud Minderaa interview
Dublin keynote and symposiums
Autism spectrum disorders: transforming innovation into policy
ADHD: the endophenotype approach
ADHD: state of research
Treatment of anxiety and mood disorders
Diagnostic appraisal of ASD
Understanding neurodevelopment
Genetics and genomics of ASD
Comorbidity of mental and physical disorders
Eating disorders: diagnosis and treatment
Eating disorders and day patient treatment
Eating disorders and social communication
Child eating problems and ASD
Post-GWAS in anorexia nervosa
Anorexia nervosa and early intervention
Suicide behaviour in young people
Suicide in Arab adolescents seeking help
SEYLE - saving and empowering young lives in Europe
Interpersonal theory of suicide
Madrid 2015
Madrid 2015 Josefina Castro-Fornieles interview
Madrid keynote and symposiums
Early-onset psychosis
ADHD and autism: overarching disorder
Psychotherapy for emerging borderline personality disorder
Depression: developmental perspective
Diagnostic and treatment measures for eating disorders
Obsessive compulsive disorder
How malleable is autism?
Brain imaging in ADHD
Challenges and perspectives in youth psychiatry
Adolescent attachment: from brain to culture
Bullying: response to stress
Management of anxiety disorders
Parent-child behaviour
Cultural issues in child psychiatry
Cannabis use
Obesity & mental disorders
ROADMAP for mental health research in Europe
Economics and mental health
Geneva 2017
Geneva 2017 Evolving environment or break of balance?
French version
German version
Documenting Geneva 2017
The autism agenda
New medication based on genetic research in the field of autism
Synapsy Autism Symposia: understanding mechanisms of change
Synapsy Autism Symposia: Early interventions in preschoolers
Early autism symptoms in at-risk enfants
Early treatment in autism - Tony Charman
Early treatment in autism - French
Early treatment in autism - German
Care of traumatized children in youth welfare systems
Young refugee children in Germany - Joeg Fegert
Young refugee children in Germany - French
Young refugee children in Germany - German
Transition to 21st Century Mental Health Care
Access to mental health care - Patrick McGorry
Access to mental health care - french
Access to mental health care - German
Pre- and post-natal screening
A focused approach to screening for mental disorders - Johannes Hebebrand
A focused approach to screening for mental disorders - French
A focused approach to screening for mental disorders - German
Conceptual transitions - mental disorders in the 21st century
Treatment shift for child and adolescent depression
Treatment for mood disorders - Patrick Luyten
Social inequalities in children's mental health
Growing up poor: a high-risk transition - Maria Melchior
Growing up poor: a high-risk transition - French
Growing up poor: a high-risk transition - German
Peers and siblings matter for mental health
Long-term effects of bullying - Dieter Wolke
Long-term effects of bullying - Dieter Wolke - French
Long-term effects of bullying - Dieter Wolke - German
Greek child psychiatry fights back to survive the crisis
Preventing psychosis and schizophrenia - Celso Arango
Public health and CAP
Conduct disorder in female adolescents
ASD: transition of services
Parent-infant joint therapies
Psychosis & schizophrenia: early course & intervention
Tourette syndrome: newest findings 2017
Tourette syndrome: interview with Pieter Hoekstra
First-episode psychosis
Improving youth psychiatry - Norman Sartorius
Autism: research to clinical practice
Identification of high-risk psychosis
Netherlands: redefining the role of the child psychiatrist
Refugee crisis: practice, service and research
Refugee children: ESCAP 2017 presentation
School drop-out
Transitions from adolescence to adulthood: Key Issue Paper
Synapsy 22q11 Deletion Syndrome Symposia
Overview of the behavioral phenotype and available clinical interventions
Social impairments across the psychosis continuum
Neuroimaging markers of risk for severe mental disorders: Synapsy symposium
Developmental psychopathology: Synapsy symposium
Geneva 2017 Interview with Dr Hélène Beutler
Vienna 2019
What's happening in Vienna?
Vienna keynote and state of the art
Hard to reach youth - Dickon Bevington interview
Eating disorders & genome-wide association studies - Anke Hinney interview
Where is the future going for psychoanalysis? - Otto Kernberg interview
Individual differences in environmental sensitivity - Michael Pluess interview
Adolescents at risk - Franz Resch interview
Disruptive behaviour - Hans Steiner interview
Virtual reality for treating child & adolescents - Lucia Valmaggia interview
Developing a personality disorder - Michael Kaess interview
Translational ASD projects - Marie Schaer & Camilla Bellone interview
Scholarship winners
Poster winners
Maastricht 2022
Duplikat von What's happening in Vienna?
Duplikat von Vienna keynote and state of the art
Duplikat von Hard to reach youth - Dickon Bevington interview
Duplikat von Eating disorders & genome-wide association studies - Anke Hinney interview
Duplikat von Where is the future going for psychoanalysis? - Otto Kernberg interview
Duplikat von Individual differences in environmental sensitivity - Michael Pluess interview
Duplikat von Adolescents at risk - Franz Resch interview
Duplikat von Disruptive behaviour - Hans Steiner interview
Duplikat von Virtual reality for treating child & adolescents - Lucia Valmaggia interview
Duplikat von Developing a personality disorder - Michael Kaess interview
Duplikat von Translational ASD projects - Marie Schaer & Camilla Bellone interview
Duplikat von Scholarship winners
Duplikat von Poster winners
International event calendar
ECAP Journal
Current issue
Past issues
ESCAP Communications
Partnerships: EFPT
Partnerships: IACAPAP
Partnership: AEPEA
EU horizon FAMILY project
ESCAP job opportunities - Child psychiatrists
Research Opportunities
ESCAP job opportunities - internships & residencies