Geneva 2017 Congress - ESCAP

ESCAP 2017 Geneva: full programme, abstracts and more

Documenting Geneva

The main theme of the ESCAP 2017 Congress was Transition. Here we document all the activities of the Geneva 2017 congress.

Keynote speakers

ESCAP 2017 Congress: keynote speakers

Tony Charman (UK) – Tracking the emergence early autism symptoms in at-risk infants: possibilities for prodromal intervention?

Jörg Fegert (Germany) – Care of traumatized children in youth welfare systems.

Patrick McGorry (Australia) – Transitioning to 21st century mental health care: early intervention for young people with emerging mental disorders.

Johannes Hebebrand (Germany) – Pre- and postnatal screening: implications for child and adolescent psychiatry.

Paul Hoff (Switzerland) – Conceptual transitions: what will happen to the concept of mental disorders in the 21st century?

Patrick Luyten (Belgium/UK) – A radical shift in the treatment of child and adolescent depression Perhaps the time is ripe?

Maria Melchior (France) – Social inequalities in children's mental health – from observation to prevention.

Dieter Wolke (UK)  – Peers and siblings matter for mental health: long term consequences of bullying.

State of the art speakers

Henrikje Klasen (Netherlands), Milica Pejovic Milovancevic (Serbia), Dimitris Anagnostopoulos (Greece) – ESCAP for mental health of child and adolescent refugees: facing the challenge together, reducing risk and promoting healthy development

Celso Arango (Spain) – Future of neurodevelopmental and neuroprotective psychopharmacology in child and adolescents psychiatry

Silvia Brem (Switzerland) – From the preschool child to the adult: Neuronal basis of developmental dyslexia

Martin Debbané (Switzerland/UK) – Where mind meets brain: the adolescent body and its implication in psychopathology

Bruno Falissard (France) – Why child and adolescent psychiatrist are repulsed by public health and why they are so wrong

Christine Freitag (Germany) – Adolescent female conduct disorder – state-of-the-art and new findings

Joaquín Fuentes (Spain) – Autism spectrum disorder: supporting people to transit through science, lives and services

Bernard Golse and Sylvain Missonnier (France) – Joint therapies parents/baby and interactive guidance: a move from a model to another one (differential indications, change factors)

Raquel Gur (USA) – Early Course and Intervention in Youth At-Risk for Psychosis: results from longitudinal studies

Pieter Hoekstra (Netherlands) – Tourette syndrome: an update on newest findings on treatment and pathophysiology

Martin Holtmann (Germany) – Complementary approaches for the treatment of children and adolescents with ADHD; with particular address on neurofeedback 

Carmen Moreno (Spain) – First-episode psychosis in children and adolescents: research advances and opportunities for intervention

Norman Sartorius (Switzerland) – Comorbidity of mental and physical illness: a major problem for the medicine of the 21st Century

Marie Schaer (Switzerland) – Translate latest findings in autism research to clinical practice

Frauke Schultze-Lutter (Switzerland) – Identification of clinical high risk of psychoses: special requirements in children and adolescents

Robert Vermeiren (Netherlands) – Effect of the change on the Netherland health system organization

Panos Vostanis (Greece/UK) – Where are all they coming from? Child mental health response to the refugee crisis


ESCAP 2017 Congress: state of the art speakers

An impressive number of symposia have been performed at the ESCAP 2017 Congress. Some of the highlights were:

Psychiatric care for deaf and hard of hearing children and adolescents, organized by professor Karen Goldberg (University of South Florida), in collaboration with University Hospital Gregorio Maranon (Madrid), University of the Basque Country (Bilbao), and ESMHD (European Society for Mental Health and Deafness).

School drop-out: causes and management, organized by professor Norman Sartorius (Switzerland).

Transition from adolescence to adulthood: The challenges to establish “transition psychiatry”, by professor Jörg M. Fegert, dr Iris Hauth, professor Tobias Banaschewski and professor Harald J. Freyberger.

Synapsy Autism symposium: Understanding mechanisms of change in children with ASD who receive intervention.

Synapsy Autism symposium: Early intervention in preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): the Swiss experience in 5 university centers.

Synapsy 22q11DS symposium: Neuroimaging markers of psychosis in 22q11DS.

Synapsy 22q11DS symposium: Overview of the behavioral phenotype and available clinical interventions.

Synapsy 22q11DS symposium: Social impairments across the psychosis continuum.

Synapsy developmental psychopathology symposium: Electro-physiological brain correlates of developmental psychopathology and the early adverse experience that poses risk for it.

Synapsy symposium on high-risk population: Neuroimaging markers of risk for severe mental disorders.


A broad scope of topics at the ESCAP 2017 Congress in Geneva has coverd autism spectrum disorder (ASD). View all presentations on autism.