Call for hosting the 2031 ESCAP congress
In agreement with our Bylaws, we will vote on the host for our 2031 congress during our 2025 General Assembly, which will be held during the ESCAP Congress in Strasbourg on Monday 30th June 2025 from 09:00 to 10:30.
Every two years the members have the opportunity to vote for the society that will host a future ESCAP Congress. The next congresses will be held in Strasbourg in 2025, in Athens in 2027 and in Budapest in 2029. We will vote on the hosting society for the congress to be held in 2031. Preparation of congresses can start up to 3 years before the actual date, thus forward planning is essential. The country, the city and the venue should be attractive for a wide audience and suitable for the purpose of a large conference.
Below are some principles of collaboration for the preparation of the ESCAP congress, as agreed during our General Assembly in Madrid in 2015. The financial responsibility and the risk of financial loss are borne by the organizing society. Starting with the congress in Maastricht (in 2022) and thereafter, we have a gradual system in place to share the benefits between ESCAP and the organizing society (as agreed during the General Assembly held on 20/05/2015):
- If the benefits are less than 100,000€, the benefits are shared 50-50 between ESCAP and the organizing national society
- If the benefits are between 100,000€ and 150,000€, the benefits are shared 55-45 between ESCAP and the organizing national society
- If the benefits are more than 150,000€, the benefits are shared 60-40 between ESCAP and the organizing national society
Here are some other rules for the shared responsibilities:
- The local organization of the congress is under the responsibility of the national society, in cooperation with ESCAP.
- The scientific program is under the responsibility of the President of ESCAP. A local organizing committee prepares the program under the authority of the President.
- The congress website including the programme and abstract book is under the responsibility of the local organizer. The ESCAP Communications Editor will support the marketing of the congress through ESCAP communications channels. These services are invoiced by ESCAP to the local society. They are subject to a discussion and to a quote which must first find the agreement of both parties.