These coronavirus (COVID-19) pages bring together information gathered on clinical, research and political aspects. Please be aware that some articles may overlap and will appear in multiple lists. These pages are constantly being modified and information being added. If you wish to contribute, please contact our editor.
On the 25th June 2021, ESCAP ran its online Expert Day event with a special lunchtime session given by Johannes Hebebrand (ESCAP Academic Division Head & ECAP Editor-in-Chief) and Jörg Fegert (ESCAP Policy Division Head & president-elect), chaired by Dimitris Anagnostopoulos (ESCAP president). They both gave summaries on key issues and findings of the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on children and adolescents throughout Europe and how services and staff are dealing with the situation. Here, are the videos from the sessions.
See below or click on link
Unfolding COVID-19 crisis: implications for child and adolescent psychiatry
March 2021
April 2020
Everyone is being made aware of the physical effects of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and what we should look out for if symptoms arise. However, the mental effects of the virus itself are not yet known nor are we able to assess the effects of the fear generated by potential contamination. Social distancing and isolation for weeks will also take a toll on mental health. The short, medium and long-term implications of the combined effect of these factors require study. Uncertainty provokes anxiety, fear of the unknown, stress. In the current global situation, everyone from young children to adults will be feeling a mix of emotions and some will be placed in environments and situations that are new or potentially damaging.
Every country is facing its own challenges and many associations are providing information resources for psychiatrists and allied professionals on how to deal with people with existing mental illnesses and those experiencing new mental health issues related to the current situation. ESCAP is fully aware that this global situation will have profound effects on the wellbeing of many children and their families.
Children will look to their parents or caregivers for answers and explanations, parents will be bombarded with information that is hard to digest and perhaps not completely factual, some children will be isolated in an already abusive environment, physicians and medical health workers are strained and delving into the unknown. All of this will take its toll.
A resilient and connected community requires global knowledge exchange of intelligent and innovative views that will help relieve the unprecedented burden on the public and professional healthcare providers. We hope that providing these links and information will allow us to build up this connected community and promote mental health for all during the pandemic.
"Mental disorders can be severe or life-threatening disorders, therefore our treatment facilities must stay open as long as possible. E-therapy and e-counselling services allow us to maintain our therapeutic relationships with many of our patients and their families. Health systems all over Europe have to react and adapt to incorporate these approaches" Professor Joerg Fegert, ESCAP Policy Division Head.
ESCAP, along with the support of other associations have compiled a list of links that offer guidance and advice to psychiatrists, allied professionals, parents and caregivers, school staff and other professionals that are providing care and support during this time. We thank all the associations listed below who have taken the time to put these websites, documents and information packages together.
The following links are in English, we advise psychiatrists who are seeking specialised guidance in their own language to contact their national society or association; many of which can be found on our member page. Each link is indicated with ‘public’ or ‘professionals’, to explain if the link is steered towards advice for the public or professional health care workers. Many of these sites contain multiple articles on COVID-19, we suggest you visit their website as well as the links we provide below.
If you would like to add to this list or have a comment, please contact our editor at
AACAP America Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (site currently under construction)
APA America Psychiatric Association
ACAMH The Association for Child and Adolescent Mental Health
BPS British Psychological Society
BACP British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy
Carlat publishing
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress
WHO World Health Organisation
WPA World Psychiatric Association
Other links:
Covibook – Supporting and Reassuring Children Round the World Public
Handbook of COVID-19 Prevention and Treatment by Zhejiang University School of Medicine, China. Professionals
L’encéphale online - Crise Covid-19: Recommandations pour les soignants et patients en santé mentale Professionals. Page in French.
MIND – Coronavirus and Your wellbeing Public
NICE – general guidelines on COVID-19 Public
Emerging Minds - Supporting children and young people with worries about COVID-19 Public
Online summer camps to keep kids entertained and educated virtually this summer Public
Calm through the crisis - free psychological services to help through the pandemic Public
COVID-19: Helping Young People Manage Low Mood and Depression (Practical solutions) Public
In collaboration with the European Federation of Psychiatric Trainees - Child and Adolescent Psychiatry working group (EFPT-CAP)
Page update: 11 January 2024
Image rights: Image by Tumisu from Pixabay