The ESCAP Expert Day will be a full-day event starting from 8h30 CET and finishing at 16h00, followed by the ESCAP General Assembly (invites separately).
Upon registering and confirmed payment, you will be notified by email how to access the event platform, the access will be sent via this email address: .
Duration: 35 minutes followed by 10 minutes of mediator-selected questions. Experts will present their views and perspectives on major topics in child and adolescent psychiatry.
During the lunchtime break, ESCAP board members will present on various aspect on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on child and adoelscent mental health.
Attendees can pose questions to our speakers by either using the interactive comments button on the online program or sending them on Twitter (@ESCAPonline). All questions will be forwarded to the moderator who will select and pose them to the speaker. Please do not unmute and ask the question yourself.
ESCAP is happy to announce that the online congress will be available on-demand to all those who register for the event. This feature will be available the week after the event for 3-months until the 30th September.
Six training credits issued by ESCAP will be given to those who request a certificate.
8h30-8h45 | Login to the event platform |
8h45-9h00 |
Event opening by the ESCAP President 10 min
Professor Dimitris Anagnostopoulos Organization of the day & general information 5 min
Professor Stephan Eliez
9h00-9h45 |
Keynote lecture 1:
Treatment of ADHD: from evidence base to practice
Professor Samuele Cortese, University of Southampton, UK
Moderator: Johannes Hebebrand
9h45-10h00 | Break |
10h00-10h45 |
Keynote lecture 2:
Sleep-dependent mental health in children and adolescents
Professor Carmen Schroder, University of Strasbourg, France
Moderator: Maeve Doyle
10h45-10h55 |
19th International Congress of ESCAP Maastricht in 2022
Presentation to announce congress details by Professor Manon Hillegers
10h55-11h00 | Break |
11h00-11h45 |
Keynote lecture 3:
Should we get rid of the term depression? A reflection on history and heterogeneity of affective nosology
Professor Argyris Stringaris, NIMH & University of Georgetown, USA
Moderator: Dimitris Anagnostopoulos
11h45-13h45 |
Lunch & lunchtime sessions
ESCAP discussions:
Johannes Hebebrand will present The effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on mental health of children and adolescents – initial findings.
Moderator: Dimitris Anagnostopoulos
Joerg Fegert (ESCAP Policy Division lead) will present Burden of the Covid pandemic and Challenges for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Policy
Moderator: Dimitris Anagnostopoulos
13h45-14h30 |
Keynote lecture 4:
Childhood trauma – too complex for complex PTSD
Dr Vera Clemens, Ulm University Hospital, Germany
Moderator: Joerg Fegert
14h30-14h45 | Break |
14h45-15h30 |
Keynote lecture 5:
Using pharmacology to improve treatment decisions
Professor David Nutt, Imperial College London, UK
Moderator: Stephan Eliez
15h30-16h00 |
Closing of event: Final remarks
Dimitris Anagnostopoulos & Stephan Eliez