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ESCAP member profile


 123 members

Learn from Israeli child and adolescent psychiatry

  1. Research and multidisciplinary treatments for children with developmental neurogenetic conditions including autism, velo-cardio-facial syndrome, Williams syndrome, Rett syndrome, and Tourette syndrome.
  2. Pioneering Infant Psychiatry training program and services spread in dedicated centers around the country.
  3. Treatment programs for children with posttraumatic stress disorder and victims of war and terror acts.

Help out Israeli child and adolescent psychiatry

  1. Currently psychiatry and child psychiatry are funded by the government. In 2015 a Mental Health Reform is planned. After the reform child psychiatry services will be covered by the health fund insurances. Child psychiatry services are expected to grow and to be reorganized following this reform.
  2. There are about three million minors in Israel under the age of nineteen. Of them over two millions are Jews and about 750,000 are Arabic. It is estimated that currently 2% of the minors need psychiatric services but only 1% actually receive treatment. So there is 50% gap between needs and actual psychiatric treatment children receive. The gap is even higher (almost 90% gap) in the Arabic population.
  3. Children in Israel are continuously coping with war and terror attacks. These problems are especially common in the north and south borders of Israel where children are intermittently exposed to exacerbations of wars.

The Israel Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Association was founded in 1950. In 2014, the Association counts 180 child and adolescent psychiatrist members. The objectives of the Association are: to promote relevant topics of child psychiatry at the national and international level; to supervise the child psychiatry residency programs; to organize national and international scientific meetings. The Assoiciation is inviolved in publishing the Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences and it is responsible for organizing the 'Annual meeting of the Israeli Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry'.  The duration of the child and adolescent psychiatry training is five years (capacity: 40 residents). Israeli child and adolescent psychiatry excels in infant psychiatry, autism, neurogenetics, suicide, eating disorders, ADHD and psychopharmacology. The Association is a member of ESCAP and WAIMH.

Board members
(term ends May 2021)

Address: Prof. Doron Gothelf, M.D., Director, The Child Psychiatry Department, The Edmond and Lily Safra Children's Hospital, Sheba Medical Center, Tel Hashomer, Ramat Gan, 52621 Israel.
Phone: +972 3 530 2663.
Updated: July 2020