Mental health care for refugee children and their families


Background documents, articles and links that may serve mental health care workers involved with refugee children and their families:

Resignation syndrome (RS): refugee children in Sweden fall into come-like state, 3 April 2017.

The impact of mental health and psychosocial support programmes for populations affected by humanitarian emergencies – systematic review
Oxfam GB, 2017.

Frequency of mental disorders in unaccompanied minor refugees in Germany
Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie, September 2016. In German; abstract in English.

Mediterranean missing – Understanding the needs of families and the obligation of states
City University London, International Organization for Migration, GMDAC, The University of York, September 2016.

ESCAP position statement
ESCAP Board, June 2016.

ESCAP interview. Prof Jörg Fegert: Learning from refugee children
ESCAP Online, June 2016. In English, German and French.

Comprehensive Guide to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders – Springer Colin R. Martin, Victor R. Preedy, Vinood B. Patel, July 2016.

Special Refugee Issue, Journal for Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy (Kinder- en Jeugdpsychotherapie, Themanummer 'Vluchtelingen')
VKJP, July 2016. In Dutch. 

UNHCR Online University for important skills to support refugees
ORF, June 2016. In German.

Asylbewerber und ihre Versorgungssituation
Der Internist, April 2016. In German.

A first assessment of the needs of young refugees arriving in Europe: what mental health professionals need to know, editorial
ECAP Journal, January 2016.

'Migrantenkinder': Demand for Help and Provision of Services in the Care of Unaccompanied Refugee Minors (URM): A Systematic Review
Kindheit und Entwicklung, 2015.

Mental health and psychosocial support for refugees, asylum seekers and migrants on the move in Europe
UNHCR, Unicef, WHO, War Child Holland, Save the Children, Terre des Hommes, International Red Cross and Red Crescent, and other agencies.
Guidance note, December 2015.

Needs and possibilities for helping asylum seekers in the Netherlands
NIP / Arq Psycho Trauma Expert Group. November 2015. In Dutch.

Culture, context and the mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of Syrians
A review for mental health and psychosocial support staff working with Syrians affected by armed conflict.
UNHCR, 2015.

Migrant and refugee situation in Serbia: from a child protection perspective
Milica Pejevic-Milovancevic, 2015.

Migration mental health issues in Europe: the case of Greece
Dimitris C. Anagnostopoulos et al., 2015.

Book by P. Vostanis: Helping children and young people who experience trauma
London, Radcliffe Publishing, 2014.

Mental Health/Psychosocial and Child Protection Assessment for Syrian Refugee Adolescents in Za'atari Refugee Camp, Jordan
International Medical Corps and Unicef, July 2013.

Psychological distress and mental health service contact of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children
Child care: health and development, 2012.

Risk and resilience for psychological distress amongst unaccompanied asylum seeking adolescents
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 2008.

Multidisciplinary Guideline – Early psychosocial interventions after disasters, terrorism and other shocking events
Impact, 2007.

Severely impaired young refugees
Matthew Hodes & Yovaka Tolmac, 2005.

Mental health of refugees: the case of Albania
World Psychiatry, 2002.

Articles on refugee children and adolescents in the ECAP journal
European Child + Adolescent Psychiatry, the official ESCAP journal.


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