Call for experts to take part in the ACTION online survey

Paediatric aggression in 6-12 year olds: identifying the guidelines, practices and opinions

Leiden University (Curium-LUMC, Netherlands) is conducting a research programme on severe behaviour problems in children aged 6-12 across Europe, such as OD and ODD. This European research project, exploring the current diagnostic, prevention and intervention practices, is part of the European ACTION programme that aims for reducing aggression by developing approaches that take individual differences in genetic and environmental susceptibility into account, thereby leading to better understanding of personalized intervention programs.

 The present study involves two parts:
1. An inventory of nationwide guidelines – to be completed by European professors and other scientific experts.
2. An inventory of professionals’ current practices, opinions and concerns on diagnostics and treatment of severe behaviour problems in children aged 6-12 across Europe – to be completed by clinicians.
The project is being supervised by professor Robert Vermeiren.

In order to conduct this research, the Leiden research team is reaching out to the European academic and clinical community of experts and clinicians (psychologists, psychiatrists et cetera) with interests and expertise in treating severe behaviour problems in children to participate in the online survey (fifteen minute online questionnaire). For participating in the survey, please contact Raluca Gatej, research intern, who will provide further information and access to the survey.
At present it is unknown which countries in Europe have official and unofficial guidelines for diagnosing and treating children with severe behavior problems, and what prevention and intervention strategies are employed within specific countries. Moreover, critical needs that could be addressed to improve the provision of care for this population across Europe have not been investigated yet. Such issues are targeted in this project and the combined knowledge and experience in this field would be invaluable for answering these questions.

Questions on this research project are welcomed at: