Prof. Manon Hillegers, MD PhD is an experienced psychiatrist and head of the department of child and adolescent psychiatry/psychology at the Erasmus MC. Hillegers has experience in early-life risk factors and in depth intergenerational measurements in relationship to mental health trajectories and initiated several serious gaming studies, in which she examines or modulates mood and behaviour in ambulatory daily-life setting. As a board member and PI of the Generation-R study and co-PI of the Mood and Resilience in Offspring (MARIO) project she is an expert in longitudinal studies in pediatric populations. Hillegers is the principal investigator of the
recently awarded eHealth Junior project through the Dutch Science Agenda programme (NWA-ORC project, ). In this 5-M€ project, a large consortium will examine the use of eHealth in clinical settings in children with somatic disorders, for which she collaborates with industry as well as patients advocacy organizations.
As head of the department and member of the Sophia Children’s Hospital board of Erasmus MC, Hillegers leads a large group of junior researchers (>40) and clinicians and has a focus on connecting clinical and epidemiological research and translating results into practice. As evidence for international involvement, Hillegers is board member of the European Society Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (ESCAP, and congress president for the ESCAP 2022 meeting in Maastricht. She served as the European representative member of the scientific program committee of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP with over 8,800 membership), and is an active member of the International Society of Bipolar Disorders (ISBD).